Model United Nations (MUN) is an extracurricular activity in which students role play delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN Committees with assigned countries and political figures. NasraMUN IV was held from Nov.24th - Nov. 25th, 2018 at the ETNS Saddar Campus and attracted over 850 participants from ETNS, NPS and other schools including The Educators, Beacon Light Academy, Karachi Public School and Alpha College. Out of the 800 delegates, 720 were from ETNS and NPS. The two-day event allowed these students to delve deep into political world issues, preparing them as future leaders of a rapidly changing world by inculcating a sense of diplomacy, tolerance, negotiation and compassion, as well as strengthening their teamwork capabilities.
Mr. Toshikazu Isomura, Consul General Japan was the Chief Guest for the Opening Ceremony on the 24th, while Ms. Aazya Rafiq (Deputy HOD, Aman Foundation) and Mr. Umair Aslam (Manager Programs, Aman Foundation) were both Guests of Honor. Ms. Elin Burns (British Deputy High Commissioner, Karachi) was present as the Chief Guest of the Closing Ceremony on the 25th, and presented awards to the best performing delegates in each committee.
Please see press coverage of NasraMUN IV by various local newspapers below.